Samstag, 21. Januar 2012

#5 Update: Condolences for Kim Jong Il

I don't want to make a habit of this but there must be some follow-up to my post about Kim Jong Il's condolence letters. I have found a multitude of information concerning Kim Jong Il's funeral and associated miscellany, albeit not from Rodong Sinmun. The wikipedia article offers a comprehensive documentation of the reaction of heads of state and I suggest that if you are interested to start here. The list of states, organizations, and parties is a large one indeed.  Following many of these reports to their source material unfortunately does not reveal more details as to the motive

Here I am amending an error that I made concerning the Vietnamese President. Truong Tan Sang did send a letter of condolence which I found here:

"Vietnamese President:
The DPRK National Defence Commission received a message of condolences from Truong Tan Sang, president of Vietnam and president of its National Defence and Security Council, on Tuesday as regards the demise of leader Kim Jong Il.
The message said:
I, on behalf of the State of Vietnam and the National Defence and Security Council of Vietnam, express deepest condolences to the DPRK National Defence Commission and the fraternal Korean people.
Comrade Kim Jong Il is the great leader of the Korean people.
His demise is untold great loss to the Korean party, state and people and the Vietnamese party, state and people lost their close friend and comrade.
We are convinced that the fraternal Korean people will overcome sorrow and display strength to break through difficulties and continuously achieve the shining victories in the cause of construction and development of the state under the leadership of the Workers' Party of Korea.
We are sure that the friendly and cooperative relations between Vietnam and the DPRK would continue to develop in the interests of the two peoples and regional and global peace, stability and cooperation."

Also this article in the Phnom Pehn Post dives into the rich relationship between Cambodia and North Korea.  The two countries share not only a diplomatic mission as evidenced by King Sihanouk in this passage.

"Sihanouk himself penned a number of musical scores and lyrics in 1970 celebrating the “friendship and fraternity” between Cambodia and North Korea. The compositions included Homage of Khmers to Marshal Kim Il-Sung  and Korea and Cambodia Are Revolutionary Comrades-in-Arms."

I am disappointed that despite leaving the Rodong Sinmun for information concerning Kim Jong Il's death, such similarly created content exists across the web. The authors of the Phnom Pehn Post article stand alone in their. I applaud Bridget Di Certo and Vong Sokheng for diving into the relationship between these two men and their representative countries.

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