Samstag, 14. Januar 2012

Post #1: Inspects Construction Projects Undertaken by KPA

This story has been the headline for the past few days and the first sentence spells it all out:

"Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army Kim Jong Un, supreme leader of the Workers' Party of Korea, state and army, inspected various construction projects undertaken by KPA service personnel."
Thanks to

I'm going to take it easy on this one. So here this article is about Kim Jong Un and what he does during the visit. Luckily the Political Report Team (what is that??) doesn't stop at his coming and goings but continues to spell out the leader's vision of the future:

"He called for constructing even a single building in such a way as to be impeccable in the distant future, regarding the WPK's Juche-based idea and theory of architectural beauty as a firm guiding principle."

As well as his architectural requirements for building aesthetics:

"He also underlined the need to thoroughly implement the Party's policy of putting architecture on a formative artistic basis and thus complete all the projects at the best level so that they may look like spectacular not only when viewed from distance but at close range."

 I find these recommendations innane, kind of like oversharing, but this attempt at micromanaging I find hard to even believe:

"He emphasized the need to build the Meat Shop in Hero Street in such a way as to provide the best conveniences to the customers as the shop will be frequented by them, adding that to this end it is necessary to thoroughly embody the serve-the-people spirit and kindness in the construction."

This is obviously the work of some planning committee but there is no mention of this group. It is as if all work that happens, happens through the Leader. They are dependent on him for every detail and every aspect of life. How could everyone in the DPRK be concerned with what Kim Jong Un thinks about their daily work? I sure wouldn't lose a bit of sleep over what facade Obama wanted me to cover my building with. This first post begins to reinforce the media's support of Kim Jong Un as a Supreme Leader.

Thanks to:

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